Ghostriders This Week February 4/24

Notes From Under the Bleachers… where they keep the suds The Ghostriders had a great run and battled their way into first place over the last couple of months but lost their last two games. 4-1 in Beaver Valley and 9-1 in Nelson… it’s not the dinosaur extinction or anything, the Riders are still in […]

Ghostriders This Week Jan 28/24

Photo is of the best dressed KIJHL’er Jack Lambert. Jack was in town to watch the games this weekend. He is still in rehab with a shoulder injury and as you can see is not wearing a sling anymore. For those who don’t remember Lambert was a big part of the offence before he got […]

Ghostriders This Week Jan 21/24

The Ghostriders played their last five games on the road. They won 5-3 in Creston, 4-2 in Columbia Valley and 6-2 in Castlegar. This week they lost in 3-2 in OT in Sicamous then finished up with a 3-2 OT win in Revelstoke. Captain Taylor Haggerty after the Sicamous and Revelstoke games. I thought 3/4 points on […]

Ghostriders This Week Jan 14/24

 The Ghostriders won three road games last week and now have a 11-4-1 road record and have gone 7-1-1-1in their last 10 games. On Tuesday they won 5-3 in Creston, then traveled to Invermere on Friday and defeated the Rockies 4-2 then in Castlegar on Saturday they won 6-3. Things don’t get any easier either, the Riders are in […]

Ghostriders This Week Jan 8/24

The Money for Friends for Friends came from the Jersey sales The Ghostriders played three games last weekend, they lost 4-3 in overtime against Creston, in Golden they blasted the Rockets 7-2 then lost 7-6 in a shootout to the Columbia Valley Rockies.The Riders earned 4 of 6 points and are tied with the Rockies […]

Rest In Peace Earle Price

Earle PRICE Obituary   In Loving Memory of Earle Edward Price. Earle is survived by his daughter Michelle, brother David, sister Marcela, nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews. Earle is predeceased by his wife Anne, mother Mary, father John’s sisters Marguerite and Dorothy and brother George. Earle was raised in Fernie where he was […]

Ghostriders This Week December 31st

The Ghostriders won both games of a home and home against the Kimberley Dynamiters. They won 5-1 in Kimberley and won 2-1 in overtime here in Fernie Saturday night. Both games were sellouts, and both teams thank the fans, Fernie and Kimberley have the best attendance in the league. The two wins had the Riders […]

Fernie Legion donates $2000 to the Ghostriders

  Legion Vice President Pat Pierce presents Ghostrider  Executive Members Rose Mangone, Barb Anderson (President) Tom Murdoch and Ruth Murdoch a cheque for $2000 for helping out at the Legion’s weekly Saturday night “Meat Draw” The Ghostriders thank the Fernie Legion for their donation !

Ethan MacDuff to the Southern Maine Huskies

Ghostrider star forward Ethan MacDuff, seen here between Mike Anderson and Ty Valin holding his team MVP award. The Fernie Ghostriders are proud to announce that after winning the team MVP, Top Scorer and Top Forward awards Ethan has committed to the Southern Maine Huskies Men’s Ice Hockey team for the upcoming 2023-24 season. MacDuff […]